Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/28/2013, Tuesday. Service, Service, Service and Teaching

Oct. 28, 2013
Hi people,
     I am alive although I haven't written an email the past couple of weeks.  Our P-days have not been ours for the past couple of weeks.  A lot of stuff has changed since I wrote last, hopefully I can remember some of it.  To start out with I can explain why our P-days have been so busy.  We got a brand new car recently because it was time for the church to sell the other one.  It is a 2014 Toyota Corolla, and it was awesome when we got it because we got new miles for the month as soon as we got it.  This has affected our P-days because we have had to drive around some of the other missionaries now that we have a ton of extra miles.
     Funny though, with all these extra miles, I had to bike anyway.  I went on exchanges the first day we got the car and went to Warwick which just happens to be a biking area.  It was fun to bike around because it always made me feel accomplished at the end of the day.  Unfortunately it was while I was in Warwick that we were going to meet the Asian couple again so I did not get to see them this time around.  They are doing very well though and they learned about the power of prayer.
     Most of what I have been doing for the past couple of weeks is helping people get ready for winter which includes chopping wood, cleaning up fallen trees, splitting wood, and of course raking thousands and thousands of leaves.  We spent 8 hours raking the leaves off one person's lawn.  I am not sure if I mentioned this last fall, but I never realized what a chore raking leaves is until I came out to the east.
     We had an innumerable amount of those small miracles this week that testify of our loving Heavenly Father’s role in this work of salvation.  So many that if I were to write all of them, you would probably not read this email because it would be so long.  But I will talk about one.  A man called us up last week and asked us if we could come and bless his home.  We honestly had no idea who this man even was before we met him.  After we blessed his home by the Holy Priesthood which we hold, we taught him about the simple truths of the restoration.  He said that there was a lot to take in and that he would have to pray to know if it was true.  And we promised him that he would come to know of the truth if he had the desire to follow Christ.  This man’s name is J____  and I will probably have more to tell you about him in coming weeks because he called us back after the appointment and told us that he wants to meet with us again and learn more.  I know that our Heavenly Father led our new friend J_____ to the church and that all the other small miracles that we experienced these past couple of weeks have been because of His infinite love for us, his children.  I thank you for your prayers concerning me and those that I teach.  And I know that Heavenly Father has blessed me because of those prayers.
Elder Erb

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